Wednesday, October 9, 2013

(I have no idea what to call this and I'll probably hate it in the morning)

I saw with its light

And I am cautious of the fire.

I was drawn to its warmth

And I am cautious of the fire.

In your eyes it was reflected

My skin and soul rejected

And I am cautious of the fire.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Staring at the sky with hope.

Since I was a child, I wanted to go to space. I didn't want to go to the moon or mars. I wanted to see the deepest space. I wanted to see nebula's and ice bodies and stars beginning to form. We come from emptiness. That is something we all ignore. We were once darkness. We were once another form of energy. One day I hope to return to that darkness. I do not see this great darkness the way others do.

You may take this blog to be melodramatic at times. Always eccentric.

This is the transmission of just another brain's cries to escape itself.